what is flagrance?

Fla´gran`cy . The condition or quality of being flagrant; atrocity; heinousness; enormity; excess.

Flagrance is good! Once upon a time Barra and David decided that if we were to create our own fragrance, we would call it 'Flagrance'. The idea being that it would be flagrantly expensive and flagrantly nice smelling. Well, we don't know how to develop, manufacture, and market a fragrance, so we have made a blog instead. Deal with it!

Monday, December 10, 2007

Jumping Jets

This post has nothing to do with Jets. It is however, this site's 100th post. So I'm gonna sit back and enjoy some Flagorice( it's kinda like liquorice but unlike regular liquorice or marmite, everyone likes it).

Anyway, back to the actual post. This is a trailer for the new Hayden Christiansen movie "Jumper", as you can see, its about a teleporter and all the dirty things he can do with his powers. Surprisingly enough, I think it looks Ok. Samuel L. Jackson appears to be the bad guy, but I can already tell that he's the hero of this story, he's the only one trying to stop Christensen from doing anything retarded with his power. Pretty good cast in this movie, as an actor I really like Michael Rooker (the dad in the movie), I can't say the same for liking him as a person, we have a long and bumpy history....me and that guy.
Rachel Bilson is thrown in there as a pretty face and Also Jamie Bell dons a sort of Scottish/Irish accent for the movie. Don't really know why, maybe its to showcase his acting talent of not really getting an accent dead on. oh well


David said...

God damn it how many movies will it take before Gayden Christiansen learns to stop using his superpowers for evil...

David said...

Looks like theres been 95 posts on this site to me! You spoofer. Cya at gAsh's gaffsh porty.

Anonymous said...

your an actor?

re-read ur post

David said...

hmmm.... clever.

Being pedantic doesn't work when you don't know the difference between your and you're.