what is flagrance?

Fla´gran`cy . The condition or quality of being flagrant; atrocity; heinousness; enormity; excess.

Flagrance is good! Once upon a time Barra and David decided that if we were to create our own fragrance, we would call it 'Flagrance'. The idea being that it would be flagrantly expensive and flagrantly nice smelling. Well, we don't know how to develop, manufacture, and market a fragrance, so we have made a blog instead. Deal with it!

Monday, May 7, 2007

Sweet Sierra

Sierra have given us some seriously good games in the past like the Empire Earth series, F.E.A.R and Scarface to name a few. This is their most recent creation, and it looks sweet! Its called Timeshift, The clip tells you pretty much everything about it, so i cant wait for it to come out. Yes, F.E.A.R has the same type of in game time control, but it doesnt have Michael Ironside and Dennis Quaid doing the voice acting. Now, not only can I use my special powers in the real world, i can also use them in the gaming world. And just so you know, I've also got X-ray vision to see through clothes.


David said...

That game looks pretty cool. But I've learned never to trust the promo videos. If you compare the promo stuff for quake wars to the more recent ingame footage, its a bit of a letdown. anyway, FEAR was a really really cool game, it justed needed a good multiplayer side too.

Barra said...

yeh ive seen the footage and it looks pretty cool, but i dont know whats goin on with the game. it seems like its been in production for ages. Atari was making it, there have been a bunch of other names linked to it, and loadsa different like opening sequences that show the name (always i a different font and style). its wierd. id like a conclusive answer of whats goin on.