what is flagrance?

Fla´gran`cy . The condition or quality of being flagrant; atrocity; heinousness; enormity; excess.

Flagrance is good! Once upon a time Barra and David decided that if we were to create our own fragrance, we would call it 'Flagrance'. The idea being that it would be flagrantly expensive and flagrantly nice smelling. Well, we don't know how to develop, manufacture, and market a fragrance, so we have made a blog instead. Deal with it!

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Power Stepping Action

Superman is undoubtably amazing, he is super strong, has vision powers (x-ray, heat, telescopic, infra-red, and microscopic vision), super hearing and superbreath, finally, he can fly so fast that he can actually make the earth spin backwards and go back in time. He sounds great doesn't he.......
Superman, however, lacks the the will power to walk or even break into a jog to chase down villains, and so the Justice Jogger was born.
Theres not much more i can say about this, the picture really is self explanitory, its a perfectly Flagrant example of when toy designers run out of ideas, so much that they create a toy that defeats the purpose of the character that they are based on.

1 comment:

David said...

yo barrie that toy is so good.

you know, we've seen a lot of superman in his youth and prime but what about 'the later years?'...

I know he's not supposed to age, and is pretty invincible in every way - but i'd like to think supermans life could go off the rails a little bit. maybe he became like elvis - doing shows in vegas and eating burgers cheese steaks. he could have sold out and signed an endorsement contract with Ford promising to use their Justice Jogger 50% of the time he saves the world.

Mans gotta put bread on the table.