what is flagrance?

Fla´gran`cy . The condition or quality of being flagrant; atrocity; heinousness; enormity; excess.

Flagrance is good! Once upon a time Barra and David decided that if we were to create our own fragrance, we would call it 'Flagrance'. The idea being that it would be flagrantly expensive and flagrantly nice smelling. Well, we don't know how to develop, manufacture, and market a fragrance, so we have made a blog instead. Deal with it!

Monday, April 16, 2007

Double entendre?

JokerThis comic book panel is supposedly from a more innocent age when the writer was unaware of what other meaning the word "boner" would take on in the future. I'm not sure if I believe that or not, but the fact that it was published is fucking hilarious.

I wonder what gadget Batman has on his batbelt to deal with the Jokers boners...

buttstrokeI found these pictures in an article called the "Top 15 Unintentionally Funny Comic Book Panels". Check the rest of them out here.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

they are deadly